Hello again.

Posted in Uncategorized on 08/09/2013 by santamacabre

It’s been a while!

I have decided to start up this blog again, after all it seems a shame to let the Santa Macabre website address go to waste! To be truthful though I think that I need a little outlet to just be myself in. Running a business is pretty much all consuming and sometimes I wonder where Maria has gone. So whilst this blog will mention work a lot (aka Geisha Wigs!) I will most likely be nattering about other things too. 

To anyone that may be reading this, hello, I hope to get to know you a little ❤

A little about me.

Posted in Me on 24/06/2012 by santamacabre

This is me.

My name is Maria Junko. I am a little old lady in the body of a 28 year old.

I like big lion hair, cosy knitwear and drawing flicks on my eyes ^_^

I am vegan and love animals with all my heart.

I am the sole creator behind Santa Macabre Jewellery.

This is a blog where I will be posting a lot of Santa Macabre stuff, but also provide a little insight to my daily life.

Thank you for visiting!

